Integrate AudioCodes Mediant SBC

Required steps for integrating an AudioCodes Mediant SBC with LoopUp.

In this article

The below steps provide guidance on integrating an AudioCodes Mediant SW SBC with LoopUp.
NOTE: This article has been based on and tested with the AudioCodes Mediant SW software version 7.40A.500.357 - but should also apply to the other Mediant SW software versions.

Step 1: Prerequisites

Please note that all steps below assume that the device is online and operational on your local network with the following configuration in place:

Step 2: LoopUp SIP Trunk Provisioning

Step 3: Firewall Rules

The below rules will need to be in place to allow the required signalling and media traffic.

Source & Destination

Depending on the region selected, utilise the below as the Source LoopUp Endpoint 1 & 2 for your firewall rules:

  • AMER
    • -
    • -
  • EMEA
    • -
    • -
  • APAC
    • -
    • -
  • South Africa
    • -

The Destination for your firewall rules will be the SBC Public IP.


  • Source Port: Any
  • Destination Port: UDP/TCP:5060 or TLS:5061


  • Source Port: Any
  • Destination Port: UDP 7000 - 65535

Step 4: Device Configuration


If traffic encryption between the SBC and LoopUp is required then the following steps will be required to configure TLS.

Setup > IP Network > Security > TLS Contexts

Create a new TLS Contexts.

NameLoopUp SIP Trunk TLS
TLS VersionTLS v1.2

Under the newly created TLS Context navigate to Change Certificate and make sure to change the private key size to 2048. Once set click generate a new private key.

After generating the new private key, proceed to complete the CSR. Ensure that the SBC FQDN is included in the common name and/or SAN, as previously noted.


Copy this CSR and submit it to your public Certificate Authority, confirming it is supported according to the provided list (SIP Trunking Supported Root Certificate Authorities).

Upload the certificate, this is in the same location where you generated the CSR.

Root Certificates

Under the previously created TLS Context navigate to Trusted Root Certificates and make sure to import the LoopUp Intermediate and Root certificates (SIP Trunking Public Certificate Chain).

Media Realms

Setup > Signaling & Media > Core Entities > Media Realms

SIP Interfaces

Setup > Signaling & Media > Core Entities > SIP Interfaces

Create a new SIP Interface. This will be a reference point for the intended protcol usage as these settings are defined here.

NameDescriptive name for the proxy set
Network InterfaceSelect the network interface which is internet facing
UDP Port5060
TCP Port5060
TLS Port5061
Media RealmSelect the media realm created above
TLS Context NameSelect the TLS context created **Only required if TLS SIP Trunk is required**
TLS Mutual AuthenticationEnable **Only required if TLS SIP Trunk is required**

Blue border configuration only required for encrypted SIP trunk.

Proxy Sets

Setup > Signaling & Media > Core Entities > Proxy Sets

Create a new proxy set to contain configuration information for LoopUp's SBCs.

NameDescriptive name for the proxy set
SBC IPv4 SIP InterfaceSelect the SIP interface which has your public IP address assigned
TLS Context NameSelect the TLS context created **Only required if TLS SIP Trunk is required**
Proxy Keep-AliveUsing OPTIONS
Proxy Hot Swap ModeEnable
Proxy Load Balancing MethidRound Robin
Classification InputIP Address Only
DNS Resolve MethodA-Record
TLS Remote Subject NameExternal hostname of device **Only required if TLS SIP Trunk is required**

Blue border configuration only required for encrypted SIP trunk.

Under the newly created proxy set you will see Proxy Address, click on this link to configure the LoopUp SBCs.

Enter the regional FQDN and transport type that is relevant to your deployment.

Proxy Address 1
Proxy Address[region]
Transport TypeUDP/TCP/TLS

Proxy Address 2

Proxy Address[region]
Transport TypeUDP/TCP/TLS

Load Balancing will be determined on list location when no priroity is configured.

Coders Groups

Setup > Signaling & Media > Coders & Profiles > Coders Groups

Configure a Coders Group to specify which codecs are supported.

Once created click Coders Table.

Configure the above codecs and press Apply.

IP Profile

Setup > Signaling & Media > Coders & Profiles > IP Profiles
NameDescriptive name for the IP Profile
SBC Media Security ModeNot Secured (UDP/TCP)
Secured (TLS)
Remote Early Media RTP Detection ModeBy Media
Extension Coders Group**Coders Group created previously**
SIP Update SupportNot Supported


IP Groups

Setup > Signaling & Media > Core Entities > IP Group
NameDescriptive name for the IP Group
Topology LocationUp
Proxy Set**Proxy Set created previously**
IP Profile**IP Profile created previously**
Media Realm**Media Realm created previously**
Classify By Proxy SetDisable
Local Host Name**IP/FQDN of SBC**
Always Use Src AddressYes
Proxy Keep-Alive using IP Group settingsEnable


Media Security

Setup > Signaling & Media > Media > Media Security



Setup > Signaling & Media > SBC > Classification

The below example configuration is targeted at LoopUp's UKDC1 region. Depending on your deployment requirements please configure each region via its own dedicated classification object.

Additional Resources

  • AudioCodes
  • Mediant
  • SBC
  • SIP Trunking
  • Device Configuration