The following steps will be reliant on access to PowerShell in the customers Teams tenant.
Determine the name of the policy
To determine the name of policy-based call recording policy enter the below command.
Below is an example of the output from the above command.
Assign policy to users
For “Identity”, supply the username of the Teams user (e.g. “”)
For “PolicyName”, supply the tag of your recording policy as created above:
Grant-CsTeamsComplianceRecordingPolicy -Identity -PolicyName OakRecordingPolicy
To verify your policy was assigned correctly, enter the following command:
Get-CsOnlineUser | ft SipAddress, TenantId, TeamsComplianceRecordingPolicy
A table is displayed, showing the “SipAddress (username)” and “TeamsComplianceRecordingPolicy” columns. In the “TeamsComplianceRecordingPolicy” column, the name of your recording policy should be displayed
For a user that does not have the policy assigned, a blank space is shown under the “TeamsComplianceRecordingPolicy” column to indicate that no policy is assigned.
Add user to Microsoft 365 Group
You will also need to add the user to a group called ClarifyGo Recorded Users – this is so that Oak can filter the enabled users rather than syncing all users in the tenant.
Please note, only Members of this group will be synced, not Owners.
Navigate to either the “Microsoft 365 admin center” or “Microsoft Entra admin center”. The below screenshots are using Entra ID
Select “Members”
Select the required users and click “Select”