
You need to provide all of these items.

  • Company Name
  • Vergi Number
    • Description: Vergi Kimlik Numaras is the Turkish tax identification number used for businesses and certain foreign individuals.
    • Format: Consists of 10 digits where the first digit is derived from the company name.


You need to provide all of these items.

  • Preferred Area Code
    • Description: Preferred Area Code for ddi(s) - Dependent on availability and must match address provided
  • Required Quantity
    • Description: Amount of Numbers required

Site Address

You need to provide all of these items.

  • Street Name
  • City
  • Street Number
  • Postcode


You need to provide all of these items.

  • Name
  • Contact Number

Supporting Documentation

You need to provide all of these items.

  • Authorised person ID
  • Supporting Document: Signature Circular
  • Supporting Document: Tax Signboard
  • Government Gazette/Company Registration