
You need to provide all of these items.

  • Company Stamp
  • Company Name


You need to provide all of these items.

  • Required Quantity
    • Description: Amount of Numbers required

Site Address

You need to provide all of these items.

  • Street Number
  • Street Name
  • Building Name
  • Postcode
  • City
  • Province
  • Contact Number
  • Site Contact Phone
    • Description: Contact number of site contact
  • Site Contact
    • Description: Full Name of end user contact on site

Supporting Documentation

You need to provide all of these items.

  • Information security commitment letter.
  • Business Licence
    • Description: Color copy of the original business license, the license can't have any marks/amendments
  • Office Lease Agreement
    • Description: Colour copy of Office lease agreement
  • Image of Work Space
    • Description: Photo from an empty working space inside of the office, any working space, either occupied or will be occupied by employee
  • Property management agreement
    • Description: Colour copy of property management agreement
  • Photo of the end user agent holding their ID
  • Use case and call script
    • Description: Document which outlines company area of business, use case for new numbers and typical call example.
    • Format: PDF - Use Case/Sample Call script in English and Mandarin in carrier template with company stamp
  • Supporting Document: Power of Attorney
  • Copy of ID of the Legal representative.
    • Description: Colour image of Legal Representative ID
  • Proof of Address
    • Description: Document which confirms proof of address.
    • Format: Most Carriers prefer an Invoice or utility bill with company address listed as proof of address