
You need to provide all of these items.

  • Customer Name
  • CVR. Number
    • Description: Central Business Register number, is a unique identifier for all Danish and Greenlandic companies, associations, and authorities. Your CVR number can also be used as a VAT number if your business is VAT registered.
    • Format: Danish Central Business Register (CVR) number is eight numeric characters long and follows the format "DK" + 8 digits, with the last digit being a check digit. For example, a CVR number might look like DK99999999.


You need to provide all of these items.

  • Numbers to Port
  • Main Number

Site Address

You need to provide all of these items.

  • Building Name
  • Building Number
  • Street Name
  • City
  • Postcode


You need to provide all of these items.

  • Date of Signature
  • Signatory’s name
  • Signature

Incumbent Carrier

You need to provide all of these items.

  • Current Carrier
  • Current Provider Address